An Outline of Theosophy
Charles Webster Leadbeater
Man’s Past And Future
When we have
once grasped the fact that man has reached his present position through a long
and varied series of lives, a question naturally arises in our minds as to how
far we can obtain any information about this earlier evolution, which would
obviously be of absorbing interest to us. Fortunately such information is
available, not only by tradition, but also in another and much
more certain
way. I have so space here to dilate upon the marvels of psychometry, but must
simply say that there is abundant evidence to show that
nothing can
happen without indelibly recording itself – that there exists a kind of memory
of Nature from which can be recovered with absolute accuracy a true, full, and
perfect picture of any scene or event since the world began.
Those to whom
this subject is entirely new, and who consequently seek for evidence, should
consult Dr. Buchanan’s Psychometry or Professor Denton’s Soul of Thins; but all
occult students are familiar with the possibility, and most of them with the method, of reading these records of
the past. In essence this memory of Nature must be the Divine Memory, far away
beyond human reach; but it is assuredly reflected into the lower planes so
that, as far as events on these lower planes are concerned, it is recoverable
by the trained intelligence of man.
All that
passes before a mirror, for instance, is reflected on its surface, and to our
dim eyes it seems that the images make no impression on that surface, but that
each passes away and leaves no trace. Yet that may not be so; it is not
difficult to imagine that an impression may be left, somewhat as the impression
of every sound is left upon the sensitive cylinder of a phonograph; and it may
be possible
to recover the impression from the mirror just as it is recoverable from the
The higher
psychometry shows us that this not only may be so, but is so; and that not a
mirror only, but any physical object, retains the impression of all that has
happened within its sight, as it were.
We have thus
at our disposal a faultlessly accurate method of arriving at the earlier
history of our world and of mankind, and in this way much that is of the most
entrancing interest can be observed in every detail, as though the scenes were
being specially rehearsed for our
benefit. (See Clairvoyance, p 88).
into the past conducted by these methods show how a long process of gradual
evolution, slow but never-ceasing. They show the development of man under the
action of two great laws – first the law of evolution, which steadily presses
him onward and upward, and secondly – the law of divine justice, or cause and
effect, which brings him inevitably the result of his every action, and thus
gradually teaches him to live intelligently in harmony with the first law.
This long
process of evolution has been carried out not only on this earth, but on other
globes connected with it; but the subject is much to vast to be fully treated
in an elementary book such as this. It forms the principal theme of Madame
Blavatsky’s monumental work, The Secret Doctrine; but before commencing that
students are advised to read the chapters on this subject in Mrs. Besant’s
Ancient Wisdom and Mr. Sinnett’s Growth of the Soul.
The book just
mentioned will afford the fullest available information not only as to man’s
past, but as to his future; and thought he glory that awaits him is such as no
tongue can tell, something at least may be understood of the earlier
stages which
lead to it. That man is divine even now, and that he will presently unfold
within himself the potentialities of divinity, is an idea which appears to
shock some good people, and to be considered by them to savour of blasphemy.
Why it should
not be so is not easy to see, for Jesus himself reminds the Jews around Him of
the saying in their Scriptures, “I said, ye are Gods,” and the
doctrine of the
deification of man was quite commonly held by the Fathers of the Church. But in
these later days much of the earlier and purer doctrine has been forgotten and
misunderstood; and the truth now seems to be held in its fullness only by the
student of occultism.
Sometimes men
ask why, if man was at the first a spark of the Divine, it should be necessary
for him to go through all these æons of evolution, involving so much sorrow and
suffering, only in order to be still Divine at the end of it all. But those who
make this objection have not yet comprehended the scheme.
That which
came forth from the Divine was not yet man – not yet even a spark, for there
was no developed individualisation in it. It was simply a great cloud of Divine
essence, though capable of condensing eventually into many sparks.
difference between its condition when issuing forth and when returning is
exactly like that between a great mass of shining nebulous matter, and the
solar system which is eventually formed out of it. Its condition when issuing
forth and when returning is exactly like that between a great mass of shining
nebulous matter, and the solar system which is eventually formed out it. The
nebula is
beautiful, no
doubt, but vague and useless; the suns formed from it by slow evolution pour
life and heat and light upon many worlds and their inhabitants.
Or we may
take another analogy. The human body is composed of countless millions of tiny
particles, and some of them are constantly being thrown off from it.
Suppose that
it were possible for each of these particles to go through some kind of
evolution by means of which it would in
time become a human being, we should not say that because it had been in a
certain sense human at the beginning of
that evolution it had, therefore , not gained anything when it reached its end.
The essence comes forth as a mere outpouring of force, even tough it be Divine
force; it returns in the form of thousands of millions of mighty adepts, each
capable of himself developing into a Logos.
Thus it will
be seen that we are abundantly justified in the statement that the future of
man is a future to whose glory and
splendour there is no limit. And a most important point to remember is
that this magnificent future is for all without exception. He whom we call the
good man – that is, the man whose will moves with the Divine Will, whose
actions are such as to help the march of
evolution –
makes rapid progress on the upward path; while the man who unintelligently
opposes himself to the great current by striving to pursue
selfish aims
instead of working for the good of the whole, will be able to progress only
very slowly and erratically.
But the
Divine Will is infinitely stronger than any human will, and the working of the
great scheme is perfect. The man who does not learn his lesson first time has
simply to try over and over and over until he does learn it; the Divine
patience is infinite, and sooner or later every human being attains the goal
appointed for
him. There is no fear and no uncertainty, but only perfect peace for those who
know the Law and the Will.
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preparation of this Website
describing Tekels Park and its much
wildlife by Theosophist and long
term Tekels Park Resident Madeleine Leslie Smith
The Spiritual Home of Urban Theosophy
The Earth Base for Evolutionary Theosophy
Camberley, Surrey, England GU15 – 2LF
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Concerns are raised about the fate of the wildlife as
The Spiritual Retreat, Tekels Park in Camberley,
Surrey, England is to be sold to a developer
Many feel that the sale of a sanctuary for
wildlife to a developer
can only mean disaster
Confusion as the Theoversity moves out of
Tekels Park to Southampton, Glastonbury &
Chorley in Lancashire while the leadership claim
that the Theosophical Society will carry on
Tekels Park despite its sale to a developer
Theosophy talks of a compassionate attitude
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of Tekels Park Badgers in Doubt
Tekels Park & the Loch
Ness Monster
A Satirical view of the
sale of Tekels Park
in Camberley, Surrey to
a developer
Toff’s Guide to the Sale of Tekels Park
the men in top hats have to say
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of Tekels Park to
a developer. It doesn’t
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bad time economically to sell Tekels Park
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The Constitution of Man After Death Reincarnation
The Purpose of Life The Planetary Chains
The Result of Theosophical Study
An Outstanding
Introduction to Theosophy
By a student of
Katherine Tingley
Elementary Theosophy Who is the Man? Body and Soul
Body, Soul and Spirit Reincarnation Karma
Preface to the American Edition Introduction
Occultism and its Adepts The Theosophical Society
First Occult Experiences Teachings of Occult Philosophy
Later Occult Phenomena Appendix
Theosophy and the Masters General Principles
The Earth Chain Body and Astral Body Kama – Desire
Manas Of Reincarnation Reincarnation Continued
Karma Kama Loka
Arguments Supporting Reincarnation
Differentiation Of Species Missing Links
Psychic Laws, Forces, and Phenomena
Psychic Phenomena and Spiritualism
Karma Fundamental Principles Laws: Natural and Man-Made The Law of Laws
The Eternal Now
Causation The Laws of Nature A Lesson of The Law
Karma Does Not Crush Apply This Law
Man in The Three Worlds Understand The Truth
Man and His Surroundings The Three Fates
The Pair of Triplets Thought, The Builder
Practical Meditation Will and Desire
The Mastery of Desire Two Other Points
The Third Thread Perfect Justice
Our Environment
Our Kith and Kin Our Nation
The Light for a Good Man Knowledge of Law The Opposing Schools
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Old Friendships
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General pages
about Wales, Welsh History
and The History
of Theosophy in Wales
The hut circles of the ancient settlement
in Porthdafarch,
which is believed to date back 4000 years
Porth Dafarch is on the coast road between Treaddur Bay and Holyhead.
Holyhead is on Holy Island off the
north west of the Island of Anglesey
which is off the North Wales Coast
Off Holy Island about 3 miles from Holyhead
Wales is a
Principality within the United Kingdom
and has an eastern
border with England. The land
area is just over
8,000 square miles. Snowdon in
North Wales is the
highest mountain at 3,650 feet.
The coastline is
almost 750 miles long. The population
of Wales as at the
2001 census is 2,946,200.
into categories and presented according to relevance of